


WIP Deconstructed Clothing Jan 2023
WIP is a clothing collection experiment that builds on the idea of interchangeability & user autonomy. The clothing line takes 4 typical clothing pieces (jacket, hoodie, trousers, trenchcoat) and deconstructs them in separate components. These will then form over 100 different combinations, to allow the user to experiement & express their own vision.

The Post-Communist Kitchen Jul 2020
A completed proposal for a kitchen with an integrated wood working area designed for an elderly client living in a ex-communist block of flats. The furniture design is customised to accommodate the cooking, eating & wood working activities of the client, whilst incorporating his heartfelt domestic objects.

Yoga Hut Design, Portugal   Dec 2020
The project completed in collaboration with Parasite 2.0 is set in the scenic landscape of Portugal, as an ideal space for a yoga retreat center. The spatial design is based on the ritualistic sequence of traditional retreats in the Amazon Forest.  

Post Nidum Home, Romania  Jul 2022
 ‘Post Nidum’ is a design for a modern suburban house located in the Western part of Romania. The residence revolves around the idea of versatility & interaction, proposing large open spaces to host social gatherings & family events. The house is entirely sustainable using innovative technologies to minimize emissions, as well as living costs.

Wine Tasting Space, Mas Rodo  Apr 2018
The project proposes a designated space for wine tasting set out in the beautiful vineyard of Mas Rodo, Spain with the aim to bridge the gap between the field and the consumer. The result is a sensorial piece of architecture meant for on-site tasting.