
Wine Tasting Space

the 8th space of wine making
April 2018 - Mas Rodo, Spain

  After carefully researching the process of wine making, as well as the necessary spaces for this process to take place the importance for a place of wine tasting came up. The architectural thinking that goes into the wine making process has to do with environmental and material qualities to dim the degree of humidity, temperature, light or silence to the production process; seven differentiated and linearly identified moments have been identified in the wine production process: vineyard, harvest, fermentation, ageing in barrel, coupage, ageing in bottle and logistics.

The opportunity emerged for the design of the 8th space of wine process, the wine tasting. The resulting space is one that bridges the gap between the field & the consumer, being situated directly in the vineyard of Mas Rodo. The need of an eighth space – Space 8 – arises to offer the optimal conditions for the three phases of the wine experience: the visual, the olfactory and the gustatory. The project is developed into two design phases, together with a team of engineers and consultants in manufacturing, and in direct relationship with winemakers. The first phase considers a wooden structure that stands with a marked vertical character, while the object of the second is the design of an interior cladding in white Corian to clarify and extract the qualities of the wine within the space.

The proposal is therefore a construction for homage and gratitude to the vineyard, in the form of a sensorial piece of architecture for on-site tasting, taking advantage of the environmental qualities of the place to emphasize its expression. The expression of the wine and the expression of the place.

A project developed in collaboration with Sala Ferusic Architects, WSA Cardiff, Architectural Association School of Architecture London.