
Fictioning to... nothing.

A tale of the tectonic forest.
March 2022 - The Fictional Space of the Mind

In his “ Nonarchitecture” book, Johansen refers to a rather intriguing point made by L. Woods “Composition is gone, because the thing continually recomposes itself within an almost infinite range of possibilities. Function is gone, because it is unknown in advance. gone, because it is entirely fluid-dynamic, nonlinear, even mathematically chaotic. All that remains is an intimate and unpredictable interaction between the inhabitant and the architecture.” This is the basis that differentiates “complete” architectures from interactive ones. The user is an unpredictable element which dictates the success, relevance, impact & engagement of a piece. The means in which the creator curates the space or predicts the space use is only a premise of the actual architecture. The reality of it lies in the very conversation between the space and the user. This might be one of the biggest similarities between architecture & fictioning. They both construct spaces & narratives for the user to follow, to commit to or to completely disregard . They both create a foundation for the user to interact with, to challenge his/ her own believes against & at the end to interpret in a very personal manner, that is often way different than the intent of the writer, architect or therefore creator.